JUDICIAL REVIEW - requests for statements of reasons - document provided by Council not a statement of reasons - document provided by Department not a statement of reasons of the Minister’s Delegate - documents rejected
JUDICIAL REVIEW - making of amendment of local environmental plan - provision of zoning map with application for gateway determination - complaint no zoning map provided - indicative layout plan provided - held plan provided sufficient detail to satisfy statutory provision - if plan did not do so, failure did not vitiate process for seeking of gateway determination - Ground 1 rejected
JUDICIAL REVIEW - allegation of defective air quality report as part of public consultation process - ground seeks impermissible factual review of report’s conclusion - report’s conclusion not manifestly unreasonable - Ground 2 rejected
JUDICIAL REVIEW - failure of Council to consider report lodged concerning desirable curtilage of items listed as local heritage items in LEP - holding out that report would be considered - circumstances of holding out limited - circumstances not satisfied - unnecessary to consider if power to waive requirement for timings of lodgement of submissions - community consultation process did not fail as a consequence of non-consideration of report - Ground 3 rejected
JUDICIAL REVIEW - alleged failure to consider likelihood of state heritage listing of expanded curtilage - no basis to believe OEH would have advised expanded curtilage being considered - statutory heritage listing process not commenced prior to making of LEP amendment - expanded curtilage not necessarily in conflict with rezoning - three separate reasons to reject Ground 4 - Ground 4 rejected
Instructed by the Department of Planning for the Greater Sydney Commission and the Minister for Planning (unled).